Sunday, 13 November 2011

Well, the finishing touches are now being applied to my very first E-Book - Ocean Theme Party Food! Those of you who have been following the blog for a while might remember the post on my daughter's birthday party back in April. I've had so many remarks on the food that I decided to compile all of the photos and recipes together in one spot in an easy to follow step by step fashion. There are heaps of photos, lots of cute pictures, and I'm also working on a coordinating game pack and stationery set to boot! Stay tuned over the next couple of weeks as I start to roll it all out. As a little teaser though, here is a preview of the cover....

[caption id="attachment_1561" align="aligncenter" width="481" caption="Cover of my first E-Book "Ocean Theme Party Food""]Cover of Ebook Ocean Theme Party Food[/caption]