In the beginning....I was young, single and had a full time job as a sailor in the Royal Australian Navy. Then I met the love of my life and we got engaged. One miserable day in 2000 I suffered a massive shoulder injury at work during a compulsory fitness test which has left me unable to work.
At the end of the year, my DH and I were happily married and moved to Brisbane, Queensland (Australia). I worked an office job until I finished my Diploma of Applied Science through the University of Queensland and was lucky enough to land my dream job as a Fisheries Technician with the Qld DPI on the same magical day I discovered I was pregnant with our first child. My contract finished when I was 8 months pregnant and I gave birth to our beautiful DD-J who is now 9! I went back to work shortly after but soon discovered that my shoulder wasn't up to the task. I resumed home duties and then received the wonderful news that I was once again pregnant, this time with DD-M who is now at the magical age of 6. We continued living in Brisbane for a few years and then packed up in 2008 and moved to a tiny village in the hills between Coffs Harbour and Grafton, called Nana Glen in NSW. It was the tree change we had been dreaming of for years. We now live in a gorgeous home with our own chickens and ducks, the girls have lots of room to run about and I spend my days cooking up a storm.
So why Cindy V. 2.0?
Well, as you can imagine, being a one income family in this day and age is not easy. I have now decided that I want to do away with our Credit Card - pay it off completely and then cut it up. I want to reduce our household spending as far as possible while giving my family the best life I can. If I can't earn money, I am to save it as best I can. I've recently signed up to do the Total Money Makeover (TMMO) where I have found forums dedicated to living frugally. Here I aim to share how we do it while maintaining an awesome family way of life. I'm lucky in that I love to cook, and being an at home Mum, I also have the time to indulge in making lots of things from scratch, so here I am going to share with you lots of our favourite recipes and tips along the way.